
You are the high mage. A dragon has been found in a local cave that serves as a sanctuary to a critically endangered species of bats. For this, the dragon must be destroyed. You brew your dankest of brews - an explosively unstable concoction of black pepper, cilantro, and nitroglycerine. It's so dank you can't even hold it in your hands, so you summon a table to hold the potion. Go destroy the dragon, but don't drop the potion!


Use LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW to move left and right. Use Q and E to tilt the table. Hit SPACEBAR or click Play to begin.


Dankity Dank Games Inc., Incorporated 

  • Joseph Mortensen - Programming and Sound Assets
  • Jacqueline Loerincs - Graphical Assets
  • John Luke Lusty - Programming and Sound Assets


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i love the little exclamation that's made before dying a horrible death